College Counseling -Half Package

  • General Performing Arts


College Counseling (02/01/2023-01/31/2025) Registration closed

4 One-hour Sessions
One-hour Session
  • Mon 
  • Tue4:30 - 8:30 pm
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 
  • Sun 


Helping you bring theatre into your future!

PGT offers professional college counseling to high school students preparing to include theatre in their college experience. Appointment days and times to be scheduled following registration.

Additional services and fees

Pre-screen editing half package $500.00
Arts supplement editing package $300.00


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College Counseling

This specialized guidance helps theatre students and their parents successfully navigate the college selection and application process - an essential supplement to the general guidance resources available through local high schools and private counselors.  What We Do (PDF) >>

Beginning with disseminating the BA, BFA, and Conservatory training options, PGT College Counseling will help you identify colleges that are a good fit and meet your interests, guide you through the written application, supplements and support materials, prepare the required auditions, pre-screen recordings, or portfolio reviews, and ensure that you meet all the special deadlines set by the theatre programs.

Students and parents work with Jill Abusch, PGT Artistic Director and College Counselor, who shares a wealth of information on theatre specific college planning. Jill has guided High School juniors and seniors through this process for over 20 years. Her approach leaves room for the excitement and fun that should be a part of this milestone moment.

No matter how you want to include theatre in your college life, get the process started by scheduling a planning session with Jill, PGT's College Counseling Specialist. Counseling at PGT is available as a single one hour session or as part of a more complete counseling package.

Audition Coaching

From selecting audition material, to the way you walk in and out of the room, auditioning is an art - and for theatre students, it is a crucial component of their college application. From pre-screens to live auditions, from the right music cut to the perfect contemporary monologue, The Play Group Theatre’s professional staff is available to work with you on your college audition.

At PGT, you have access to a staff of voice, dance and acting teachers, as well as several rehearsal studios and two theatres - everyone and everything you need to prepare you for your pre-screen, audition and application process.


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Jill Abusch says:

"I love the college process. Despite the intrinsic challenges and hard work involved, I believe strongly that applying to college does not have to be a stressful or harrowing experience. When approached well, the application process can be an exciting, joyful time of deep self-reflection, and just the right balance of growing independence and parent/child togetherness.

Of course, there is so much to navigate when applying for college - especially when theatre will be an important part of your college life. With admit rates as low as 3% at many of the top theatre programs and audition/portfolio requirements in addition to all those applications, our students and their parents have found it essential to have specialized guidance to help them make informed decisions along the way... and I love taking the journey with them!"

Contact Jill at (914) 946-4433 or [email protected].


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Registration closed.